Conferences at the Faculty of Statistics
The following conferences will be held soon:
During the past years the Department of Statistics at the Technische Universität Dortmund hosted the following conferences, as well as numerous workshops. Some of the corresponding websites are only available via the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive.
- Statistical Week (September 11-14, 2023).
- IWSM (July 17-21, 2023)
- Workshops on Quality Improvement Methods (2001 - 2021) [archivierte Version]
- CDM 2019 (24. - 26. Juli 2019)
- mODa11 (12. - 17.Juni 2016)
- 61. Biometrisches Kolloqium (15. - 19. März 2015)
- Workshop "Robust Methods for Dependent Data" (26. - 29. Februar 2012) [archived version]
- DAGStat 2010 (23. - 26. März 2010) [archived version]
- useR! 2008, The R User Conference 2008 (12. - 14. August 2008)
- 7. Jahrestagung des European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) (24. - 26. September 2007) [archived version]
- 28. Herbsttagung der AG Datenanalyse und Numerische Klassifikation der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (GfKl), Schwerpunktthema "Ensemble-Methoden", (27. - 28. Oktober 2006)
- 28. Jahrestreffen der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation GfKl, "Classification: the ubiquitous challenge" (9. - 11. März 2004)
- 12. International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, (5. - 8. August 2003) [archived version]
- The 6th Sense - 6. Sensometrics Meeting (31.Juli - 2. August 2002) [archived version]
- 6. KSFE - Konferenz für SAS-Anwender (28. Februar - 1. März 2002) [archived version]