Prof. Dr. Walter Krämer
E Mail: walterkstatistik.tu-dortmundde
c/o VDS
Hohes Feld 6
59174 Kamen
New Interview for the BFR

Recent newspaper and magazine articles
- "Sprache als Herrschaftsinstrument" (Idea Maganzin, 07/11/2024)
- "Ein Mathematiker und Menschenfreund" (, 10/21/2023)
- "Uni-Klima: Wie in der DDR, nur mit Bananen" (, 08/12/2021)
→ responses - "Die sogenannte “gendergerechte Sprache” ist behinderten- und fremdenfeindlich" (The GermanZ, 07/31/2021).
- "US-Universitäten: Genderforschung und Antisemitismus Hand in Hand" (Welt, 06/15/2021)
- "Die ständige Bereitschaft zur Hysterie ist ein kostspieliger Standortnachteil" (Neue Züricher Zeitung, 04/06/2021)
Short CV
- Born on 21.11.1948 in Ormont/Eifel
- 1969 to 1976: Studies of mathematics and economics in Mainz
- 1976: Diploma in Mathematics
- since 1977: married to wife Doris, two children, three grandchildren
- 1979: doctorate in economics
- 1984: Habilitation in Econometrics (TU Vienna)
- 1985-1988: Professor of Empirical Economic Research in Hannover, Germany
- 1988-2021: Professor for Economic and Social Statistics in Dortmund
- several further professorships rejected (e.g. Hamburg, St. Gallen, Münster)
- 1999: Winner of the "German Language Award
- 1996-2004: elected expert reviewer for statistics at the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2008 - 2015: Editor of the German Economic Review
- 2013: First recipient of the DAGStat Medal for services to German statistics
- 2015: First recipient of the Gerhart Bruckmann Award of the Austrian Statistical Society
- Since 2008: Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- 2017-2021: Vice President and Secretary of the IW Class
- 2015-2022: Member of the Science Council of the University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr