Archived News
SportDataGraphs: What statistics tell us about sports
The Hochschuletage in the Dortmunder U will give a home to an exhibition on sports and statistics from 21.04.2023 to 29.05.2023.
TU Dortmund University bundles competencies in the fields of data science and simulation
The new research center "TU Dortmund - Center for Data Science and Simulation" was officially opened on April 18.
Dr. Daniel Horn funded as AI-Starter
The MKW NRW is funding Dr. Daniel Horns project „Efficient Multi-objective Hyper-Parameter Tuning of Machine Learning Methods“.
Prof. Siegfried Heiler
Siegfried Heiler is one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Statistics at the Technical University (formerly University) of Dortmund, the only…
Extension of the enrollment period
Via the campus portal you can enroll until October 31st in the following open-admission programs
- Bachelor Statistics
- Bachelor Data Science
- Master…