Predict the future and do it scientifically
Statistics is just right for anyone who likes to work in a problem-solving-oriented way and doesn't just want to sit alone at a desk. Although statistics consists of a lot of applied mathematics and problem-oriented data analysis, it also requires interdisciplinary work. Today, hardly any subject in science and business can do without modern statistical methods. Their application in medicine, business or technology provides answers to many exciting questions and solutions to tricky problems. For example, statistics can be used to plan clinical studies, control technical processes or master financial market crises. Data is everywhere and together we can learn from it and predict the future.
Study programs

Statistics B.Sc.
As a statistician, you solve a variety of problems in interdisciplinary teams. During your studies, you learn to make data-based decisions and find out how probabilities work. Standard period of study: 6 semesters (free admission)
Data Science B.Sc.
Studying Data Science gives you a hands-on approach to diverse methods and programming languages for dealing with a wide variety of data. Standard period of study: 6 semesters (free admission)
Minor subjects

The large selection of minor subjects in the statistics program show you the diversity of this department. The minor subjects not only offer variety to the statistics program, but also ensure that all students can pursue their individual interests.
What students say

Career prospects

More and more data in all industries create a rapidly increasing demand for statisticians and data scientists. The career prospects are excellent due to the variety of possible applications. Statisticians and data scientists have, among many other skills, the necessary competencies to extract and process relevant information from the mass of data for users. Whether in science or in industry, the job opportunities are very good, as evidenced by several job advertisements and the low unemployment rate among graduates. After graduation, they were often spoiled for choice with several job offers. Possible jobs are offered in banks and insurance companies, in the pharmaceutical industry, in quality assurance, in administration and in research. And over 50 of our graduates are now professors themselves.
More than just study
The city of Dortmund itself also has a lot to offer its students. Apart from the cost of living, which is humane for a major German city, Dortmund offers more green space than almost any other German city. Its universally renowned soccer culture is complemented by a diverse cultural landscape with numerous museums, theaters, music festivals and clubs. But above all, Dortmund has developed into an important technology location that also offers many exciting prospects beyond university studies.
The TU Dortmund itself also offers a high recreational value with its numerous offers that perfectly round off your studies: