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Course Catalog

You can always find a detailed course catalog in the LSF. The location and time of the event can also be found in this directory, so that you are always informed about updates. Further information can also be found on the course pages. The following list serves only as an overview. In case of doubt, please refer to the LSF or the course pages.

Here you will find a course catalog in abbreviated form for the summer semester 2025 (as of 12.02.2025) as an overview. Courses start on April 7, 2025 and end on July 18, 2025. Block courses may still be offered before or after, if necessary.

Here you will find a course catalog in abbreviated form for the winter semester 2024/25 (as of 24.09.2024) as an overview. Courses start on October 7, 2024 and end on January 31, 2025. Block courses may still be offered before or after, if necessary.

The following courses are offered on a regular basis.

Each winter semester there are: Descriptive Statistics, Estimating and Testing, Probability Theory, Programming with R I, Vector and Matrix Calculus, Computational Statistics, Survey Techniques, Introduction to Data Science I, Scientific Working, Statistical Theory, Lecture from the area of Stochastic Processes.

In each summer semester there are: Probability, Descriptive Multivariate Statistics, Nonparametrics and Robust Statistics, Optimality in Estimators and Tests, Decision Theory, Programming with R II, R for Data Scientists, Introduction to Data Science II, Introduction to Statistical Learning, Sampling Techniques, Principles of Design of Experiments, Advanced Design of Experiments, Time Series Analysis, Econometrics, Advanced Statistical Learning, lectures from the area of Modeling.

In both the summer and winter semesters, there are: Case Studies I, Case Studies II or Case Studies, seminars, and various lectures from the elective areas of the degree programs.

Statistical programming courses (e.g. SAS, SPSS, Julia, Python) are usually offered as compact courses shortly before the beginning of the semester or shortly after the end of the semester. They are usually announced through notices.

Course catalogs of past semesters can also be found in the LSF (selection at the top right on the link of the current semester). Furthermore you can find pdf-short overviews of winter 2020/21 and summer 2020.

Preparatory courses for the Master's programs

Before classes begin, check out our pre-courses that will help you prepare for your upcoming Master's and brush up on all the important content from your Bachelor's courses. There will be 3 different pre-courses:

The first one is a statistics pre-course in German language, which mainly covers the most important content of the statistics bachelor. It is a three-week course that will take place in presence on campus. It is recommended if you are preparing for the statistics master.

The second and third pre-courses are e-learning courses in English on the moodle learning platform. They do not have a fixed schedule. Therefore, you can do them where and when you want. One of them is an online statistics course that has essentially the same content as the face-to-face pre-course. It is recommended for both the Data Science and Econometrics master's programs. The other is a Data Science course that is highly recommended for all Data Science students.

For more information, please click here!

Elective modules, seminars and special subjects in the summer semester 2025

Here you will find the slide sets from the information event on 22.01.2025

Seminars and case studies

Special fields

The presentation of the specialties will take place asynchronously this year. You can find the presentation videos of the individual events in this Moodle room.

Courses in the minor subject Theoretical Medicine

Detailed information on the respective modules can be found on the notice board of the Dean's Office of the RUB Faculty of Medicine under Theoretical Medicine.

Current information and changes

Other events at other faculties

Faculty of Mathematics

The courses for the majors Statistics as well as Data Science offered by the Faculty of Mathematics can be found in the Lectures section on the homepage of the Faculty of Mathematics.

Faculty of Computer Science

The courses for the Bachelor-Master program Data Science offered by the Faculty of Computer Science can be found in the LSF system under Faculty of Computer Science.

The software internship (SoPra) is a mandatory course in the bachelor program Data Science. The number of places in the SoPra is limited. Information about the course, registration and allocation of places can be found on the Sopra website of the Faculty of Computer Science. We kindly ask you to get the necessary information early.

Faculty of Economics

According to the cooperation agreement, the following modules of the Faculty of Economics can be chosen in the elective areas Applications / Applications in the Bachelor / Master Data Science starting in the winter semester 2022/2023:

  • Applied Econometrics (Applied Economics II - Bachelor)
  • Introduction to Game Theory (Microeconomics I - Bachelor)
  • Causal Analysis: Economics meets Data Science (Microeconomics II - Bachelor)
  • Game Theory (Microeconomics I - Master)

Other faculties

The courses for minor subjects as well as courses of other faculties can be found in the LSF system.

Registration for exams

Information on how to register for exams is available on the Examinations Office page.

Semester and lecture period

Information on semester and lecture times can be found on the main page of the TU Dortmund University.