Preliminary Courses for the Master's Programmes Statistics, Data Science and Econometrics
The Department of Statistics offers new Master students a total of 3 pre-courses to refresh Bachelor contents in Statistics and Data Science. Students are free to choose the courses they need for a successful start of their studies.
Attention: To participate in the courses you need your UniAccount to get access to the learning platform Moodle. You will receive your UniAccount after your enrolment. If you do not yet have a UniAccount, we can set up a temporary guest account for you. Please send us a short e-mail to precoursestatistik.tu-dortmundde with your letter of admission as an attachment.
In the following the 3 preliminary courses are briefly introduced:
Vorkurs Statistik (course language German)
The Mastervorkurs Statistik is a digital course in German language to prepare for the Master's program in Statistics. It is especially aimed at students who did not obtain their bachelor's degree at the Department of Statistics, but can of course also be used by internal bachelor's graduates to refresh the bachelor's content. German-speaking students of Data Science and Econometrics can also attend this course.
The course is an e-learning course. All materials (lecture videos, scripts, exercises and solutions) are available on the TU Dortmund internal learning platform Moodle at any time. Thus, you can arrange your time freely and do not have to be in Dortmund to participate.
Moodle course:
Enrollment key: standardnormal
Contact: Merle Mendel
Pre-Course Statistics (course language English)
The pre-course statistics is the English language equivalent of the Vorkurs Statistik. It is aimed at students of the English language courses Data Science and Econometrics, but can of course also be attended by students of the Master of Statistics.
This course is an e-learning course. All materials (lecture videos, scripts, exercises and solutions) are available on the TU Dortmund University internal learning platform Moodle at any time. This means that you can freely plan your time and do not have to be in Dortmund to participate.
In addition to the time flexibility, this preliminary course offers the opportunity to get used to the English language and English technical terms.
Moodle course:
Enrolment key: Bayes
contact: Merle Mendel
Pre-Course Data Science (course language English)
The pre-course data science is also an e-learning course and covers important contents of the Data Science Bachelor. It is aimed at students of the Master's programme in Data Science, but can of course also be attended by students of the Master's programmes in Statistics or Econometrics.
All materials (lecture videos, scripts, exercises and solutions) are available on the TU Dortmund University's internal learning platform Moodle at any time. This means that you can freely plan your time and do not have to be in Dortmund to participate.
The course also offers you the opportunity to get used to the English statistical terminology.
Moodle course:
Enrolment key: vlds
Contact: Merle Mendel