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EMOS label for the Master's degree program in Statistics renewed

EMOS Label © eurostat​/​European Statistical System Committee

On May 22, the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) once again awarded the department an EMOS label for the Master's degree program in Statistics.

The European Master of Official Statistics, EMOS for short, is a recognized seal of quality awarded to nationally accredited Master's programmes in the field of official statistics and related disciplines. A total of 30 Master's programs in 15 European countries currently hold this title. The European Statistical System Committee has now once again awarded this label to the Department of Statistics, following a recommendation from the EMOS Board. The new label for the Master's degree program in Statistics is now valid until 2029.

The aim of the European Master's in Official Statistics is to network universities throughout Europe with statistical offices and central banks. This should not only ensure an exchange of knowledge between the institutions, but also promote training for students on Master's degree courses in statistics.