Keynote Lecture by Prof. Arne Bathke: Statistical concepts and the effects of music and arts on health

Research on the effects of music and arts on health has expanded rapidly in the last two decades. A WHO scoping review (2019) claims positive health benefits from arts engagement and makes recommendations for policy and implementation of arts for health initiatives. A more recent scoping review (CultureForHealth, 2022) also claims that current evidence is sufficient to form recommendations for policy and practice. Both reports have been subject to criticism due to methodological limitations and premature conclusions. Nonetheless, we seem to know from personal experience that music and arts can indeed contribute to our well-being. Can the field of statistics with all its well-tried and tested concepts and methods shed light on the true effects of music and arts on health?
A keynote lecture with the title Statistical concepts and the effects of music and arts on health, held by Arne Bathke, Professor of Statistics at Paris Lodron University Salzburg and Dean of the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences, will address this question on 19.09.24 at 2 pm in the IBZ (Emil-Figge-Straße 59, 44227 Dortmund). Interested people are cordially invited to come.
Arne Bathke is visiting our research staff member Marléne Baumeister as part of the program tu.hosts. His research deals with developing and evaluating new statistical methods, and he has given numerous invited talks, lectures and workshops on five continents. He is also engaged in the application and improvement of statistical procedures in interdisciplinary cooperations with colleagues from other fields, from medicine and biology to economics, as well as in the Austrian Future Operations Platform. About half of his more than 100 publications in international journals result from interdisciplinary cooperation projects. Above all, Arne Bathke is deeply interested in various aspects of music and arts and plays several instruments himself, which brought him to this exciting and unique topic.